One Million Experiments

A podcast and film showcasing and exploring how we define and create safety in a world without police and prisons.

Upcoming Film Screenings

Check out the podcast!

Through longform interviews with movement workers across the world who have created community-based safety projects, 1ME expands our ideas about what keeps us safe, and celebrates the work already happening to build solutions that are grounded in transformation instead of punishment.

Who We Partnered With

Project NIA, Interrupting Criminalization, Soapbox Productions & Organizing

Check It Out If You Care About

racial justice, abolition, feminism, trans rights, Chicago, internationalism, organizing, visual art & film

One Million Experiments: The Film

What does safety in a world without police and prisons look like? What does it make more possible? This experimental documentary film is a companion to the podcast, remixing ten episodes of conversations and interweaving their takeaways with original, archival, and gathered footage that makes room for radical possibilities and invites viewers into participation.